Terms and Conditions

Docspert.com is a website administered by Docspert Health Limited in the UK that connects doctors by patients who are using the Website to look for an expert assessment (“Opinion”) of medical information (“Client Data”) by an expert doctor. These terms and conditions are considered a contract between the Docspert Health Limited in the UK, a limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as “company” or “us, we, ours, Docspert” or the form of conscience “we”) and the physician using the company’s services either on his own behalf or on behalf of a company Or an institution that is its legal representative and hereinafter referred to as the "user" or as a "expert, you, your, yours". Please note that:

Privacy policy

Docspert has taken all necessary technical and organizational measures for the purpose of securing the user's personal data from any unauthorized loss, entry, exploitation, incitement, alteration, or disclosure, but in spite of this, the company does not guarantee that the unauthorized person will not be able to overcome the security policy Your company and see your personal data or use it for unlawful purposes, and therefore you acknowledge that the company is not responsible in the event of this and that you enter the data at your own risk. The company respects the intellectual property rights of others, and therefore the company may delete or remove any content that might contain a violation of the intellectual property rights of others and according to its discretion. The company also has the right to terminate and suspend the user account who perform any action that violates the intellectual property rights of others. The user Acknowledges to the company that: a) he has full authority to enter into your obligations under these terms and conditions, b) by agreeing to fulfill his obligations under these terms and conditions, C) That compliance with these terms and conditions does not constitute a breach of or inconsistent with any other legal obligations of any kind, agreements, arrangements, laws or regulations in force; or any judicial rulings issued against or subjected, d) these terms and conditions constitute legal, valid, and binding obligations To user, E) you will not violate when you use the company's services, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, publicity rights, or intellectual property rights of others, or the confidentiality of your clients, F) You will comply with all laws, rules and regulations in force when you use the company's services, and finally G) You are a qualified doctor in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in your field of work. The user Acknowledges his use of the website on his own responsibility and that the company and its employees, managers, representatives and partners disclaim their responsibility for any explicit or implicit guarantees related to the services and your use of them, and that Docspert does not provide any guarantees or assurances regarding the accuracy or completeness of the content of this application or the content of any of the sister sites of this application, And that the company does not bear any responsibility related to any of the following: (1) error or inaccuracy of the content, (2) any personal injury or property damage of any kind resulting from your use of the Company’s services, (3) any unauthorized access or use of our secure servers and / or all personal information and / or information (4) any interruption or interruption of transmission to or from our services, (5) any errors, viruses, or the like that may be transmitted to or from our services by others, (6) any errors or omissions in Any content or any loss or damage of any kind incurred by the user as a result of using any content that has been published, or e-mailed, transmitted or otherwise made available through the services. Docspert does not guarantee, endorse, or bear responsibility for any product or service advertised or provided by others through the services provided by Docspert or any electronically connected services that appear in any other banner or advertisement, and Docspert will not be a party to your relationship with the service provided by Others will not be responsible for monitoring any transaction between you and others.


The company, its officials, managers, employees, or representatives are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, penal, or consequential damages resulting from: a- any error or inaccuracy of the content, b- injury or loss of personal property of any kind resulting On your access to the site and application and your use of the Docspert services, c- Any unauthorized access by others for the purpose of using our computer services to obtain your personal data entered on the application, D- Any interruption or interruption to and from the company’s services, E- any errors, viruses, or the like that may be transferred to or through our services by others, F- any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage from any The type of user incurred as a result of using any content that has been published, sent via email, transmitted or otherwise made available through the services, regardless of whether this damage is based on contractual liability, default liability, or any other guarantee provided by the company to the user or any other legal basis and All of this changes a violation of the laws, provisions and regulations in force within the jurisdiction of the competent court. In particular, the user acknowledges his full responsibility for any defamatory, abusive or illegal behavior to others, or any danger, harm or harm resulting from the foregoing. The service is controlled and provided by Docspert from its facilities in Egypt. Docspert makes no representation that the service is appropriate or available for use in other locations. Those who access or use the service from other jurisdictions do so of their own free will and are responsible for compliance with local law. Also, Docspert does not provide any guarantees or responsibilities that the services provided by Docspert exist in your residence and that you do so at your own discretion and without any liability to the company, and that users residing in other places must comply with the local laws, rules, regulations and decisions in force within their residence country. The user acknowledges, within the limits of the provisions of the law, the defense, protection, and discharge of Docspert, its representatives, directors, officials, or agents from any damages, losses, costs, or expenses, for example, without limitation, the attorneys ’fees incurred by Docspert as a result of any claims or claims that were brought or brought to any of the parties. Due for compensation resulting from: 1- Your use and access to the company’s services, 2- Your violation of these terms and conditions, 3- Any allegations made by you in violation of these terms and conditions including any violation of laws and regulations or any claim of violation of your privacy or your intellectual property rights related to your files and personal data that You have entered it on the site or files created by the company, 4- Conflicts arising out of, relating to or related to your violation of the intellectual property rights owned or privacy of others through your entry and use of the company's website or services, others entering and using it for your personal account and entering it for the password, and in case you are obligated to compensate pursuant to the previous paragraph, the company is entitled according to its discretion Absolute disposal of claims or claims at your own expense, and without prejudice to the foregoing, you are not entitled to settle any disputes without Docspert's prior written consent.

The majeure force

Docspert will not be responsible for fulfilling its contractual obligations towards you in the event of a force majeure preventing it from committing, including but not limited to strikes, suspension of service, interruption of communications, service provider contracted with Docspert to stop providing his services, fire, terrorist incident, natural disaster or war Docspert has the right, according to its absolute discretion, to terminate the contract with you and prevent you from using its services or accessing the application without giving any reasons, and this may be for several reasons, including but not limited to 1 - your violation of one of your obligations in these terms and conditions, 2 - your violation of the rights of others, 3 - Your account has been inactive for an extended period of time. In the event that your account is suspended, Docspert will delete any sites, files, graphics, or any other content or materials related to your use of the site or services on servers owned or managed by Docspert without any liability to the company. The company is also entitled to take all measures it deems appropriate to prevent Third-party access or use of the services, including but not limited to making technological barriers, IP mapping and direct contact with your internet service provider. Any notifications made under these terms and conditions will be written and delivered in one of the following ways: 1- Hand-over delivery, 2- A letter of acknowledgment, 3- Express mail service 4- Email In the event that you send a notification to Docspert, you must send to the address shown on the site, and in the event that Docspert sent a notification to you, it will be sent to the address indicated in your personal data, and both parties acknowledge that the notification is sent electronically by any party that fulfills any legal requirement to send these Writing communications. These terms and conditions will be the complete agreement between Docspert and the user and will replace all previous and current agreements and understandings between the two parties regarding its subject matter, and these terms and conditions will be binding for each party.

These terms and conditions, as well as all your rights and obligations under it, will not be referred without a prior written approval from the company. Any failure or delay by any party to exercise any right, authority or concession under these terms and conditions is not considered a waiver, nor will any individual or partial exercise of any other right, authority or privilege of the other party be prevented from exercising this right or exercising any right or authority Or another concession under these terms and conditions. The relationship that brings together the employee and the company is a contractual relationship as independent contractors and cannot be considered in any way as an agency contract, partnership, joint venture or business relationship between an employee and the employer These terms and conditions are subject to separation and the invalidity or non-enforcement of any of them affects the validity of any of the other terms and conditions, which will remain in effect, enforceable and legal.